familar but…

… i was playing with my new toy – a 17-55 2.8. yay for pro-level zooms.

i also processed these with rawshooter, which may explain why they’re a little less uniform than usual. anyway… my lens is fun.

more bush library macro

in need of relaxation, i headed out to the bush library again to take some pictures. it looks like within the next few weeks there will be some more flowers, so there may be multiple trips out there… at any rate, the rest of the pics can be found here.


thursday james and i went out and stole traci’s tulips so we could take some shots of them. not the best macro work i’ve ever done, but some came out ok.

rsb all faiths’ pictures

full gallery available here.

some technical side comments… the d200 is an amazing camera. i cranked through 300 pictures in about 30 minutes and never once ran into buffer issues. i was at 1600 the entire evening, with most shots at 1/30 of a second, many of them at or close to 200mm. on shots that weren’t too terribly underexposed (such as the bass shot above), the detail is fantastic, and the noise performance is terrific. when you underexpose by a stop or two, things get fairly noisy and grainy in a hurry, but it’s not any worse than any other digital i’ve ever seen, and certainly isn’t any worse than shooting with film.