so what if…

so what if we started every worship service with something like this…

we come tonight
seeking to be a humble people,
desiring to encounter you in this time,
longing for crumbs falling from your table.

Take from us,
O God,
the cares and distractions of our lives
and let us see you with clear eyes and hearts,
unburdened by our worry and fear.

We praise you for the things,
seen and unseen,
you have done in our lives.

We acknowledge your work and power in our world,
and trust that you are in control of your creation
even when we cannot see your hand.

We confess that our lives too often
are lived in pursuit of our plans and agendas
instead of your kingdom.
For our selfishness,
forgive us.

We confess that our desire for the things of this world
has blinded us to the needs and poverty of others
both far away and in our own neighborhood.
For our apathy,
forgive us.

We confess that too often we choose to promote
our social status and popularity
instead of sharing the Good News of Jesus.
For our silence,
forgive us.

As we enter into your presence tonight,
meet with us,
speak to us,
fill us.

We eagerly await
the coming of the fullness of your kingdom,
and your return at the end of time.

Be with us now as we open our hearts to you.

We present our prayer and praise
in the Holy and Glorious name
of Jesus Christ our Lord.


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