Panoramic prints for sale

Several people have asked recently whether any of my panoramic images were for sale. The answer is yes, and I’ve created a page on my images site that shows final crops, and what sizes are available.

Feel free to head over there, and let me know if you’re interested in purchasing any of the prints.

Fall Pictures, Part 1

I’m spreading these out over time on FB/G+, but thought I’d do a dump here while I’m thinking about it (and have the spare hard drive hooked up). I don’t have details for all of these on hand, and right now the computer is churning away trying to process images from today’s shoot, but I will put up some descriptions over time. Until then, hope you enjoy.


More recent panoramas

It’s been a while since I posted shots here, though there have been several on FB / G+. A few of the highlights, collected here in a single post.

Recent panoramas

I’ve been out and about shooting some more panoramas recently, as well as having a few I took a while ago, but never got around to processing.


John Waters inspired me to go take some pictures of a running stream… so I headed out to Tremont to see what I could do. Definitely will be returning here in the fall…

TAMU Times

Spent some time in College Station this week, and had a chance to play around a bit with the new E-M1. Fun little camera. A few stitched images below:

Knoxville Skyline

Scouting locations for a picture of the Knoxville skyline. Hope to get another around dusk, but this one turned out better than expected.

Looking forward to getting back out and taking another…

Europe 2014, Part 2

A follow-up gallery from our trip to Europe, with more “normal” pictures.