to draw you to himself

Where are you right now?

Are you rejoicing,
aware of God’s blessings,
bathing in the warmth of his provision and grace?

Are you broken, hurting,
feeling lost and alone,
uncertain of God’s presence or care?

Await with eager anticipation His return,
knowing that wherever you may be,
Christ’s desire
is to draw you closer to himself.

may you soak up the richness of God

Have you ever seen a fruit tree, branches full with nature’s harvest, limbs heavy, burdened under the load?

Imagine how it provides for all those around it – human, animal, insect and plant – a source of benefit for all in its range.

May you be that tree:
a source of beauty,
of richness,
of wonder.

May you soak up the richness of God’s provision,
and in return,
may you give richly to those around you,
blessing them not only because of your good deeds,
but by the goodness of who you are

What do you cling to?

What do you cling to, pretending it can grant you salvation?

What is it you desire, hoping it will complete you and give you life?

Let go.

Hear the words of Jesus:
Real life is not measured by how much we own.

cling to the Lord your God,
your maker,
your creator,
and completer;
the only way to fulfill your hopes and dreams
one with his will.

may you humble yourself

May you humble yourself before the living God,
trusting in his divine power to lift you up.

Don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought,
but neither think of yourself more lowly than you ought,
knowing that both of these are lies from the deceiver.

Don’t compare yourself to others,
knowing that each person is gifted by God.
Instead encourage others whose gifts aren’t your own,
knowing they provide a vital role in the Kingdom of God.

And in all you do,
may you keep perspective of your place before God,
knowing his righteousness and holiness,
crying with your heart for mercy.

As you journey through this world

As you journey through this world,
may you anticipate the world to come.

Remember the humbling words of Christ –
“In life you had everything you wanted;
now you are in anguish.”

May you not only share in,
but share
the luxuries of an abundant God,
striving to bless and comfort those around you,
not only in life
but also in the space after death.

remember to look toward the storms of life

As you depart,
remember to look toward the storms of life,
not in fear, but in knowledge.

If they have just passed,
look with eager anticipation
toward the new life God brings
in your world.

If they approach,
prepare yourself
building on the firm foundation
of Jesus Christ
your Savior and Lord.

And if the rain pours down
with no end in sight,
take comfort in the promise of a faithful God –
that those who rest on Him
remain firm.

he is not content…

Are you a sheep?
Lost and wandering away from the tender care of the shepherd?

He is not content to let you remain outside the flock. Over rough and steep roads, he seeks to bring you home.

Are you a coin?
Forgotten and lost among the backdrop of the world,
counted as worthless by all but your master?

He is not content that you remain unused. He searches diligently among all his creation, knowing your value and worth, redeeming you for a purpose and cause.

Are you a child,
estranged from your father?
Have you turned your back
on one who loved you
and cared for you,
providing all you need?

He is not content that you remain in need in a foreign land. He waits for your return, looking daily to embrace you again.

He is God.
Your shepherd,
your owner,
your Father.

He passionately
and recklessly
desires one thing:

may you sacrifice all you have

Just as Christ gave up all for you,
may you sacrifice all you have for his sake.

May you embrace your identity as Christ’s treasure,
comforted in the knowledge that he desires your heart and soul.

And may you not only believe in your own value and worth,
but embrace the paradigm of Christ,
recognizing every person’s significance
as a created child of God.

may you embrace the impossibilities of Christ

May you embrace the impossibilities of Christ,
trusting faithfully in his love and character.

As you traverse the path of life,
may you walk in compassion,
serve in humility,
act with grace.

And may you know the transforming
power of the blood of Christ,
drinking full of the divine will,
your mind
and body
and spirit
and soul
consumed in the Kingdom of God.

as you walk along your journey

As you walk along your journey
may you open your eyes to those around you.

May you give freely of the blessings of God,
reaching out to the hurting and helpless,
your love extending to the last and least
as well as the first and important.

And as you encounter Christ,
may you ask questions from your heart,
learning from the perfect teacher,
listening to his complete wisdom,
following his example,
for eternal life.