as you raise your voice

as you raise your voice,
may your heart sing out,
joyous melodies rising to God.

may you connect with the heart of god
drawn into his presence
drawn as water from a well,
taken with intent and purpose
used in the hands of the one
who drew you.

may you be refreshed
bathed in the blood of Christ
a new creation,
born again in this moment.

may the condition of your soul
overflow before the Father
your joys and sorrows both before him.
may you sing from the depths of who you are
and be assured
that he is listening.

may your good shine

though you do not flaunt it,
may your good shine before all men.

though you do not publicize it,
may you be known for your charity.

though no one hear you,
may you be known as a person of prayer.

and though you never speak it,
may people hear the name of God
as they watch your life.

may you journey, free at last

in a world of doubt and confusion
may you find peace.

in a world of discontent,
may you trust in the provision of the Lord.

in a world focused on tomorrow
may you find joy in each day.

in a world of questions and confusion
may you find hope
in a God who breathes life into each moment
sustaining the world

and close by his side
may you journey,
free at last.

may you consider the one you serve

may you consider
the one you serve:
a king
holy and righteous

may you hear his call
may you listen to his voice

may you release the selfish desires of your heart
and find yourself
wrapped in the eternal embrace
of the perfect master.

may you come to Christ

may you come to Christ

may you taste the body of Christ
but filling
giving life.

May you taste the blood of Jesus
but cleansing
washing away iniquity.

May you leave this table
and follow Christ
wherever he leads
wherever he goes.

may you be reminded daily of the taste
of the body
and the blood
of Jesus Christ.

And may that body and blood
fill your life
that you may share life
with all you meet.

light, shining in a dark place

A candle,
solitary flame;
light, shining in a dark place.

Though alone,
may you shine brightly
with such light as you have been given,
drawing people to Christ;

a lamp – illuminating the path,
a beacon – warning of danger,
a fire – shelter and warmth.

May you find strength in dark places
knowing that light only shines in darkness
and darkness cannot overcome it.

may you know God

may you know God more than you know about him.

may you embrace the gift of life given freely by a God who loves you.

may you be one with Christ both in spirit and action.

and may his love find its place firmly in your heart –
not from without but within –
placed there by God himself.

may you be silent before the Lord

May you be silent before the Lord.

In the busy-ness of your thoughts
may you be silent before the Lord.

In the frantic chaos of your mind
may you be silent before the Lord.

In the unsettled feelings of your heart
may you be silent before the Lord.

In the fear and uncertainty of doubt
may you be silent before the Lord.

The Lord is in his holy temple
may you be silent before the Lord.


You are blessed.

Not blessed as the world sees
but blessed in the riches of the kingdom.

May you see the blessings of God
in your life
His hand guiding you
His spirit leading you

May you allow God to move you into a place of blessedness –
youre heart drawn as one
into the heart of Christ.

a child

a child
her eyes wide
with eager anticipation

May you await the working of Christ in your life with such eyes

May you see with wonder
the hand of God
moving in you
and through you.