some pictures from williams square on thanksgiving night…
ya can’t always get… (at least when it comes to light)
and they were all yellow…
Brought out the D200, recently repaired (banding fixed, but still having power issues… the battery, perhaps?) We’ll see. At any rate, here are a few shots from the day, with others available here. A few bees and a ladybug. Lots of yellow.
a trip this weekend to see bekah up in dc. she’s doing well, for those of you who are going to ask, and we had a great time hanging out with her. we did the general “try to see all of dc in one day” thing, which kinda makes your legs fall off. my d200 gets back from the shop today, so i didn’t have it this weekend. a tripod would have been extremely nice, but i left that at home too. at any rate, you can find the gallery here.
damselflies and lizards
mega-lucky at bush today. james wanted to try out his new toy (sigma 150) and was kind enough to call before he went. got super lucky with a few shots today. oh, also note the new link on the side of the blog that takes you to a place where you can get me cool stuff…
butterflies, pt2
out at bush yesterday… several of the shots are available here
forgotten faith
macros from james
james and i went back out to bush, this time with him wielding the macro…
results are here…