weekly updates

the NSF proposal continues to take up my time. joy.

oh, and i have a test next week. joy.

good news from yesterday:

1. apple lost my ipod in transit. that sounds bad, but my week of waiting and reporting it missing resulted in a brand-new in the box 20gb color ipod. oh, and this morning, i checked the tracking number on the old one and noticed that it’s been sent back to apple. they found it yesterday in houston. darn.

2. boston fans will know the meaning of 14-2.

3. NYY fans will know the meaning of 4-2.

at any rate, hopefully will get more time to post soon.

2 Replies to “weekly updates”

  1. yes they will – though it hadn’t happened at the time i posted the article. hopefully they’ll know something else after tonight as well 🙂

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