why they hate us

at the university of texas at austin’s resurrection week this year, there were several large boards where people could write anything they wanted in response to a few questions on display for all to see. one of the boards had the question “Why do you hate Christians?” the answers were open, honest, and all too often true. here are a few i wrote down:

i hate when they think they have the right to judge.

they are very judgmental and unloving.

they go against what Jesus teaches.

they try to legislate morality.

they don’t want to show weakness.

they act perfect and self-righteous.

they lack the ability to be real.

they bomb abortion clinics

they are intolerant.

they control the politics of the country.

they would go to a gay man’s funeral and spew hate.

in a day and age where our Christian sub-culture seems to be more interested in sounding religious than being Godly, i am reminded of the words of God in hosea – “I want you to be merciful; i don’t want your sacrifices. i want you to know God; that’s more important than burnt offerings.”

may we be a merciful people.

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