
Brian asked me to take pictures of some of his Zebrafish. For comparison, these are about the same size as a Triple-A battery. They’re fast, don’t sit still, and stay too close to the sides of the tank. All in all, rather challenging to photo.

bees and bluebonnets

Was out scouting places for engagement pictures today and ran across a patch of bluebonnets. I decided to stop and see what was happening, and found a couple of bees moving around. Sadly it was super dark, but the SB-800’s came in handy.

where did all the colors go?

Based on some of starfish235’s analysis on flickr, I decided to play around with a few of my own photos to see how various lenses responded to the chromatic aberration analysis. To quote from Bruce:

    This enhance view of the CA should be used to identify regions of the original (full resolution) photo where you should look for the effects of CA. CA doesn’t always result in a strong visible color tint in the original photo, but it often results in a general loss of sharpness and reduced resolution when a visible color shift isn’t readily apparent.

The following are a few examples:

The above picture was recently posted, and taken with my Sigma 150. The CA has been enhanced ~9dB. As you can see in the higher resolution image, the CA is fairly well controlled.

This image was taken with the LX-2 and also enhanced ~9db. As you can see, the CA is most defined at the edges (where you would expect), but also exists in parts of the photo you wouldn’t generally look for it.

I may post additional pictures later – if anyone has any requests I’ll be happy to post them.

danger, keep out

In my ongoing quest to find things to take pictures of in order to try out lightroom, I thought I’d snap one while I was out at Riverside today preping for our annual fire inspection at our lab.

Yes, it really looks like this.
