
took pictures of my grandmother’s cats over the weekend… cricket (the second one) isn’t so photogenic, or sociable really, but smoky is so old and docile that he doesn’t really care what you do.

4 Replies to “cats”

  1. Those are lovely pictures! I wish my pictures were as good as the ones you throw away! Would you mind me asking what kind of camera you use?

    I found your blog through a search engine involving another subject and your post about Jesus and Christianity caught my eye. I’m a Christian and my family has a singing ministry. You can find out more about us at our website. May the Lord strengthen you as you endeavor to serve HIM.


  2. carol –

    i currently use a nikon d200 with a variety of lenses. several of my older pictures were taken with a nikon d70. thanks so much for the encouragement!

    take care, and may God continue to bless you in your ministry.


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