May you seek God in new places

May you seek God in new places
in new ways
with new vision.

May the richness of the life he offers
be the reality of your heart
and the nature of your soul.

And may your life be guided
by the power and promise
of the one true God –
the God of Abraham
and Isaac
and Jacob,
the God who not only created the world
but entered into it.

the call of Christ

The call of Christ:

Look past the surface to see the reality of who people are.
Treat all people with dignity and respect – even those who are different.
Seek to heal divisions instead of creating them;
and remember your own humble position before the ruler of Heaven –
standing firm not in your own strength,
but in the richness and power
of the Holy blood of Christ.

God sees everything…

Be real.
Don’t put on a show.
God doesn’t judge you based on what other people think.

Do good.
Go about your work.
Don’t worry about who gets the credit.

Know this:
God sees everything,
and rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Enter the story of Christ

Enter the story of Christ,
plot and character written since time’s inception,
tapestry of lives, hearts, and souls,
woven into true beauty.

Fulfill the law of Christ,
thought and action, combined in holiness,
perfect righteousness incarnate.

Embrace the life of Christ
the help of the helpless,
refuge of the broken-hearted,
liberator of captives,
messenger of the Lord’s favor.

May you be blessed this week

May you be blessed this week
and seek a life of blessing
as you walk toward the savior.

May your life reflect the character of Christ more each day,
your spirit transformed into the perfect image of holiness.

And as you draw near to the blessings of God,
may you reach out to others,
sharing with them the life of blessing,
a messenger of God’s peace
in a world of need.

As a people who have been fed from the hand of God.

We come as a people who have been fed from the hand of God.
In our lives, our relationships, our possessions –
we acknowledge that all we have has come from Him.

May we each understand and contemplate the grace and abundance of God,
who daily provides manna from heaven.

And as we understand teh fullness of God’s provision,
may we pass his blessings generously to others,
connecting them to the riches of heaven,
beggars, showing other beggars where to find bread.

As you walk along the mysterious path of Jesus Christ

May you be transformed
as you walk along the mysterious path of Jesus Christ.

May you never be a part of a community
that expects too little of you,
makes you feel too comfortable
or lets you stay where you are.

And if you find yourself in such a place
may you travel to the hillside in Galilee
where Jesus sits,
to learn at the feet of the master,
but then return,
bringing with you
the wonderful message of Christ.

Sunday benediction

Holy God
We come before you, humbled by the display of your mighty power as you bring life and renewal to the world. We ask for that same power to enter our hearts and bring change and renewal in our lives, according to your promise to make all things new.

In this week we set aside to remember the blessings in our lives, we ask you to place on our hearts those who have not, and that you move us to act as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in a world of desperate need. Teach us to use the blessings we have from you to bless others, instead of gratifying ourselves.

We ask that we would be transformed from people who care so much about ourselves and what other people think about us into people who are concerned with your kingdom, and the liberation and reconciliation you have offered in the person of Jesus Christ.

And may you work in us and through us,
transforming our lives into the image of Christ
and our world into your Kingdom
where there is no death,
neither sorrow nor pride,
but fullness of joy and peace
through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

As you journey on the path to Zion

As you journey on the path to Zion,
may you look to the Lord for help.

May you choose daily to follow the path of righteousness,
allowing the spirit of God to transform your life
into the glorious image of Christ.

And may you embrace a life eternal,
as you walk each day,
full of the radiant Glory of God.

May we sing of the love and justice of God

May we sing of the love and justice of God.

In the worship of our lives,
may we sacrifice all we are,
continually transformed into the image of Christ.

And may the lives we lead
be consistent and true
infused with the integrity of the Lord
reflections of his holiness and character.