canada, part 4 – church

tonight was a fantastic evening of praise and fellowship. it’s always wonderful to travel thousands of miles and find there are people who God is touching and working through.

while most of the group engaged in visits today, I stayed at the building to help prepare for tonight’s service, making powerpoint presentations. my hope is that what was done was a blessing to all who were able to be there.

i was reminded of a song today and the words were particularly poignant:

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

canada, part 3 – waterloo and curling

monday was spent on the campus of the university of waterloo. the university seems to be a really neat place. a couple of interesting moments were walking through research park and a brief encounter with a mounty bear.

tuesday morning, we spent our time doing various projects around the church. where as sunday and monday had been quite warm, things took a turn for the chilly.

during a light canadian (heavy texan) snow storm, we had a fantastic time picking up trash and cleaning up the exterior of the building. after that, we did some cleanup work inside and distributed some flyers in the neighborhood.

and in the afternoon…

curling rules.

there were doubters. there were skeptics. but curling is quite possibly one of the funnest things i’ve ever done. i’m not sure whether it was more fun to curl or watch people fall (clif wins the award for the biggest, most dramatic bust, where as ariel wins the award for the most frequent buster) or to actually play, but both were extremely exciting. many of the canadians we were with commented that it was their first time to go, but they all loved it. if you’ve never been and there’s a place around you, you should go – it’s a really fun experience, and one i’d recommend.

and finally, a picture of hailey, the daughter of the people i’m staying with.


canada, part 1

it was clif’s first time to fly. i think he wanted to kill us after prolonged amounts of teasing, including but not limited to josh’s asking him if he remembered to bring his goggles for when they roll down the windows. after we were all in our seats, i thought it would have been funny to ask him whether he’d paid his deposit in case we needed to use our oxygen masks… i’m not sure he would have appreciated the humor. to his credit, clif did a great job – i hear he didn’t even have to use the barf bag.

we’ve been warmly received by the church up here, and we’re looking forward to working with them this week. we’ve got a great group, and hopefully there will be more pictures to come soon!

pet peeve of the day.

Not to complain, but this has definitely come up as an issue the past two weeks in church services i’ve attended: language usage.

Now I understand that no one speaks with perfect grammar all the time. I am certainly guilty of bad english usage as much as the next guy, but if you’re going to depart from your normal pattern of speech while praying just so that you can sound smarter or more formal, I would appreciate if you do it correctly.

With that in mind, I thought we might have a refresher course on what certain archaic words mean, and their usage:

1. Thy or Thine – Thy and Thine are possessive pronouns in the genitive case. Correct usages: Thy word, Thy chair, Thy heart, thy grace. Incorrect usages: Thy art, Thy bring us, Thy formed the world. Thy should be used in place of the more common word “your” – and let’s not get started on the proper usage of “your” as compared to “you’re”. ex. sentence: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

2. Thou and Thee– Thou and Thee are pronouns, thou being the nominative case and Thee being the objective, functioning as both the dative and accusative. For those of you who are counting, the nominative case marks the subject of a verb while the objective case functions as the target of the verb. Correct usage: “We beseech thee.” or “Thou art great among all Gods.” or “Thou hast provided …”


coldplay was fun tonight, though generously only about 45% as good as u2. of course comparing u2 @ year 26 with coldplay @ year 7 isn’t exactly fair, but none the less it’s hard to compare with the show u2 puts on. my hope is that in 15 years or so coldplay will have evolved to the level of showmanship of u2 and mellowed out of some of their rolling stonesish antics.

that being said, there were several really cool moments. my personal favorites were “the scientist”, “till kingdom come” with a tribute to johnny cash with “ring of fire” tacked on the end of it, as well as “talk” and “yellow”. the encore (“swallowed in the sea”, “in my place”, and “fix you”) was quite compelling, and probably worth the price of admission alone. i don’t know that i’d payed proper attention to “swallowed in the sea” before. the lyrics from the final bridge seemed to me to be particularly appropriate for the evening: “oh, what good is it to live / with nothing left to give / forget, but not forgive / not loving all you see?”

at the conclusion, “fix you” was quite well done, with chris martin not singing the final refrain at all, but rather allowing the voices of the crowd echoing in the toyota center to rise above the strains of the piano.

“lights will guide you home,
and ignite your bones,
and i will try
to fix you.”

all in all an extremely enjoyable evening.

old, but for some reason unpublished benedictions

i was going through old benedictions tonight when i realized that there were several from the early days that weren’t posted here. i thought i’d fix that by putting them up, but i wanted to keep their date structure somewhat intact, so i’ve placed them back where they belong (a year or so ago). here are the links:

to you who are alone
you who have tasted the world
as you follow his plan
you who wait expectantly
you who search for wisdom
may you run
God reaches out to you
a people – lost and wandering
as you survey your valley of dry bones

it was still back in the early days, so some are better than others, but there are a few that i like a lot, and that are rather meaningful to me. hope you enjoy.

yay for rain…

things i am thankful for right now:

1) rain.
2) wireless internet.
3) back porches.
4) chairs from ikea.
5) wool blankets from africa.

yay for fun afternoons.

ambassador class

“Communicating Jesus in a Post-Modern Context”

In our changing world in which we are bombarded by all kinds of differing messages, where does faith in Jesus Christ fit in? This class will help us begin to notice and wrestle with current issues of culture and morality and suggest ways that Jesus can be communicated to our friends and neighbors.

If you have no clue what Kelly’s marketing jingle means, that makes at least two of us. But James and I will hopefully figure it out before we start teaching this class on Thursday. If you came to our last class, this is a friendly PSA to announce that while there may be some overlap between the two, this class *is* enough different that you should consider taking it, espeically if you liked the last one.

That being said, we’d love to see you on Thursday!

cox and upgrades

cox is “upgrading” my internet connection, which somehow means that i am without usable internet from about 8:30 pm until about 5:00 am every day.

let me just say that my internet worked fine until the upgrades started.